Workshops for mothers in Barcelona


Preparation for childbirth in Barcelona

Childbirth Preparation

The final stretch of pregnancy

First aid for moms in Barcelona

First aid

React in emergency situations

Children's sleep group in Barcelona

Children's sleep group

Parenting group dedicated to children's sleep

Yoga for moms in Barcelona


Connect body, breath and mind

Come to Matternitas, we want to accompany you on this journey

Call us, write to us so we can help you:

We are next to the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

Sagrada Familia Square, 3
Local 1, 08013 Barcelona

93 622 66 91
+34 650 67 49 92

Monday to Friday
08:00 โ€“ 13:00
15:00 โ€“ 20:00

5D ultrasound in Barcelona
Midwife consultation in Barcelona

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Come to Matternitas, we want to accompany you on this journey

Call us, write to us so we can help you: