Legal warning

Our legal notice belongs to the commitment we establish with our users for appropriate use of our content and the services we offer, as well as our industrial and intellectual property. Therefore, we recommend that you read it carefully, along with our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, every time you use our website, in order to stay up to date with updates under the determined conditions.

Company identification data

In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform:


  • Name of the company, hereinafter referred to as the name of the client is a company engaged in offering services/sale of X.
  • The client's name is registered in the Commercial Registry of X.
  • Name of the client, with CIF XXXXXXXXX is a company domiciled for the purposes of this information at the Client's Address, and is currently in charge of exploiting, managing and making the client's URL website function correctly.
  • To contact the company, we provide you with the contact email:
  • Name of the company is registered in the Client's Register of Products and Services.

Acceptance of the conditions of use

Access and use of this portal attributes to you the status of user who accepts the General Conditions of Use that we reflect on this page. These Conditions are applied independently of the General Contracting Conditions that are mandatory in each case.

Use of the website

This website provides access to different products, services, information and data that belong to us. Each user assumes responsibility for its use, and this responsibility extends to the registration that may be necessary to access certain content and/or services.


If user registration is necessary, the user undertakes to provide truthful and lawful information, and to use confidential and correct use of their password. Furthermore, the content and services we offer will not be used in illegal activities, that violate human rights, or that cause harm to third parties.


Intellectual and industrial property

All distinctive signs, brands, trade names, content, designs, structures, databases, technology and forms of presentation of the contents of our website are the exclusive property of Company Name, and are protected by intellectual property rights. and industrial.


Users are totally prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing and manipulating the aforementioned elements without our express authorization. Furthermore, they undertake not to use means that may constitute a violation of the security of the website and its contents.


Client Name reserves the right to take legal action if it considers it appropriate after detecting illicit use by third parties of the contents of this website.


Name of the client is not responsible for third parties making inappropriate use of the website, nor for the information they transmit to others through it. The use of our content by users and any damages that may arise are their sole responsibility.


Despite having taken all necessary measures to correct our content, the continuous availability of the portal and its adequate security, Company Name is not responsible in any case for errors, lack of availability and transmission of malicious programs on the site. Web.

Modification of content and links

Client Name reserves the right to, without prior notice, make any modifications it deems appropriate to this portal. The contents, links and services of the website may be deleted, added and changed, as well as the way in which they are displayed.


Furthermore, in the case of the inclusion of hyperlinks to other third-party websites, Company Name will not be responsible for control over said content and sites. In no case will it assume any responsibility or guarantee its availability or veracity, although it will always work to include links to quality sites. Likewise, this type of hyperlink will not necessarily be a sign of an existing association between Company Name and the destination website.

Right to exclude

The right is reserved, by Name of the client, to withdraw access to the portal and/or its contents and services without prior notice, to those users who do not comply with the General Conditions of Use.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

The relationship between the user and Company Name is governed by current Spanish regulations and any conflict will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of Spain.